India’s Foreign Policy in 2016: Challenges and Opportunities

The NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has every reason to be satisfied with its performance on the foreign policy front since it came to office. The content, conduct and style of the country’s foreign policy bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Prime Minister Modi. He has led the charge from the front, establishing personal equations and developing rapport with several world leaders including Barack Obama, Shinzo Abe, Angela Merkel and recently also with Vladimir Putin.

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Masood Azhar’s ‘arrest’ brightens chances for FS talks with India

In what could be a major breakthrough paving the day for continuation of dialogue with India, Pakistan is understood to have detained Jaish-e- Mohammad (JeM) chief Maulana Masood Azhar, his brother and “several individuals” belonging to the terror outfit, the prime suspect in the Pathankot terror attacks. Pakistan has sealed JeM’s offices after India demanded action and linked it to the fate of foreign secretary-level talks.

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