Ahead of Modi-Xi heart-to-heart, India refrains from backing OBOR at SCO meet

Days before the first-ever informal summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, China’s One Belt One Road project continue to remain a subject of contention. New Delhi has refrained from expressing support for the mammoth trans-regional connectivity project at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Shanghai Corporation Organization.

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With China on mind, India, UK pitch for secure and open Indo-Pacific Region

: In an oblique critique of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, India and the UK have pitched for “a secure, free, open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.”India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi held wide-ranging talks with his British counterpart Theresa May in London on Aoril 18, which culminated in a roadmap for advancing India-UK relation across the spectrum.Beside bilateral issues, a host of geopolitical issues also figured prominently in the discussion. Without naming China, the joint statement underlined the shared commitment of India and the UK for a rules-based international system.“A secure, free, open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific is in the interests of India, the UK and the international community,” it said.

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Modi in Stockholm: India, Sweden forge innovation partnership

Infusing new energy and vigour in their bilateral relationship, India and Sweden have signed a landmark agreement on forging an innovation partnership and agreed to upscale their economic and strategic ties.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Swedish counterpart Stefan Lofven held wide-ranging talks in Stockholm on April 17 and discussed prospects of expanding cooperation in diverse areas.

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Behind India-Nordic Summit: Focus on tech & innovation

India is poised to hold its first summit with the leaders of five Nordic countries which will focus on forging a mutually empowering partnership centered on technology and innovation.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Swedish counterpart Stefan Lofven will co-host the India-Nordic Summit on April 17, in which the leaders of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland will participate.
The India-Nordic Summit is designed to accelerate India’s economic and strategic engagement with the Nordic countries which are famous for their high standard of living and exceptional record of eco- friendly development.
“The Nordic countries have globally recognized strengths in clean technologies, environmental solutions, ports modernization, cold-chains, skill development and innovation. Nordic competencies fit well with our vision for India’s transformation,” said Mr Modi in a statement ahead of the summit.

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US-UK-France air strikes in Syria: Russia warns of consequences

The United States, Britain and France have attacked the chemical weapon sites in Syria in response to the chemical attack reportedly launched by the loyalist forces of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime on Eastern Ghouta in the Douma region.
In a televised address, US President Donald Trump said that the three nations had “marshaled their righteous power against barbarism and brutality” which has claimed almost 1,700 civilian lives in Douma. The chemical weapons attack reportedly took place on April 7, 2018.

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