India mobilises EU on Taliban, Modi speaks to Michel

India has stepped up the process for forging closer coordination with European democracies on the uncertain situation in Afghanistan, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussing the latest situation in the Taliban-ruled country with European Council president Charles Michel.

In the telephonic conversation on August 31, PM Modi and Mr Michel underscored their commitment to strengthen the relation between India the European Union in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

The two leaders unequivocally condemned the horrific terror attack at the Kabul International Airport that resulted in many casualties. “They emphasised the importance of a stable and secure Afghanistan and discussed the potential role India and the EU could play in this context,” a statement by the PMO said. The two leaders agreed to remain in touch on bilateral and global issues, in particular, the situation in Afghanistan, according to the PMO.

Earlier, Mr Modi had spoken with his Italian counterpart Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“These telephone calls with the EU Council president and leaders of major EU countries indicate that India is trying to forge an informal coalition with like-minded democracies to prevent the abuse of the Afghan territory for terror attacks under the Taliban leadership,” said Manish Chand, veteran foreign affairs analyst and Editor-in-Chief, India and the World, a pioneering magazine focused on global affairs.


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Sunaina Malhotra