Abhay Thakur named as India’s Ambassador to Myanmar

As Myanmar continues to grapple with the aftermath of a military coup in February 2021, senior diplomat Abhay Thakur has been appointed as India’s next Ambassador to Myanmar. Thakur is currently on a special duty in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and is serving as sou sherpa in India’s G20 secretariat.

“Abhay Thakur (IFS: 1992), presently Officer on Special Duty in the ministry, has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar,” the MEA said.

Thakur, a seasoned diplomat, brings a wealth of experience to his new role. Notably, he played a pivotal role as India’s sous sherpa during the nation’s G20 presidency. His previous assignments include serving as India’s High Commissioner to Mauritius and Nigeria, and postings in key global capitals such as Moscow, London, and Tel Aviv – a testament to his diverse expertise in diplomatic affairs.

Thakur’s appointment comes at a critical juncture in Myanmar’s history. Widespread protests demanding the reinstatement of democracy have rocked the country, leading to unrest and instability. Against this backdrop, India has reiterated its stance on promoting dialogue and inclusive democracy in Myanmar, emphasizing the importance of peace and stability in the region.

Myanmar, which shares a 1640 km border with India, is a challenging political landscape. The armed resistance groups and other anti-Junta forces have captured key trade and crossing points on Myanmar’s borders with India. Thakur will have to navigate this complex situation while promoting India’s interests and fostering bilateral relations with Myanmar.

India’s relationship with Myanmar holds significant strategic importance. As one of India’s key neighbours, Myanmar’s stability directly impacts regional security and economic cooperation. Thakur’s diplomatic efforts will be instrumental in reinforcing these ties and advancing mutual interests in areas such as trade, security, and cultural exchange.

Crucially, Thakur’s appointment underscores India’s commitment to engaging constructively with its neighbours and promoting regional stability. His track record of diplomatic finesse and his understanding of complex geopolitical dynamics position him well to navigate the intricacies of the Myanmar situation.


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India Writes Network
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