Ahead of Oli visit, Nepal’s envoy says blockade will end soon

Underlining optimism about ending the blockade in the India-Nepal border region ahead of Prime Minister K.P. Oli’s visit to New Delhi, Nepal’s Ambassador to India Deep Kumar Upadhyay has said that the Nepal-India relations would be back to normal in the next few days. This would be a much-hoped for breakthrough as the political parties and the agitating Madhesi leaders can find a way forward to the ongoing crisis in Nepal.

As the internal problems were being dealt with, a positive message would come soon, Mr Upadhyay said.  “The political issues raised by the Madhesi political parties were being addressed through the amendment of constitution, it will obviously bring positive change”, he added. 

Mr Upadhyay underscored that the Indian side wants peace and stability in Nepal with the solution to the internal problems. Focusing on improving relations with India, the envoy said the sooner the solution of the internal problems, the better the environment. 

If the constitution process was initiated on time, the country and the people would not suffer to this extent, Mr Upadhyay said. “Blaming neighbour does not bring any benefit. Solving internal problems is a wiser step,” the envoy said on improving India-Nepal relations.

The Way Forward

As the political parties in Nepal and agitating Madhesi leaders met on January 3 to find a solution to the ongoing crisis, the relationship with India was also factored in. After initial reports of Nepal’s Prime Minsiter K.P Sharma Oli visiting China as his first official overseas visit, a telephonic conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi has prodded Mr Oli to make India his first overseas stop. India has been consistently pushing for a peaceful solution in Nepal between the political parties and the agitating side.

A solution in Nepal will help lift the blockade in the border and improve India’s relations with Nepal, which  have suffered adversely in recent times. The meeting between the political parties and Madhesis is likely to find a solution, says Mr Upadhyay.


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India Writes Network
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