Hillary Clinton breaks glass ceiling, secures Democratic nomination



Setting another milestone, the Democratic Party is set to nominate Hillary Clinton as the presumptive nominee after she secured the delegates required to claim the Democratic presidential nomination on June 6, according to the Associated Press. In 2008, the Democratic party had nominated Barack Obama as the first Afro-American for President and eight years later Hillary Clinton is set to become the first woman to become the presidential nominee in US electoral history.

The milestone comes ahead of six states holding primaries on June 7 including the two big prized states of California and New Jersey which have a sizeable number of  delegates. Ms Clinton will face Republican candidate Donald Trump in the November Presidential elections. Bernie Sanders, the other Democratic party candidate, has vowed to stay in the race and force a contested convention. He remained defiant after the news was reported.

“Secretary Clinton does not have and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination,” Sanders said in a statement. “She will be dependent on super delegates who do not vote until 25 July and who can change their minds between now and then,” he added.

With consecutive wins  in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, Ms Clinton had continued to inch towards the nomination.  With the votes being tallied and super delegate commitments being taken into account, she crossed the final threshold. This will make her the first woman in US history to secure the nomination of a major political party.

“It’s been an incredible journey,” Ms Clinton who was the former secretary of state, senator and First Lady said while addressing the media in  California. “Having a woman president will make a great statement, historic statement about what kind of country we are and what we stand for. It’s really emotional,” she added.

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India Writes Network
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