Amid Ukraine crisis, Quad leaders to put spotlight back on Indo-Pacific

Amid growing perception that the Ukraine crisis can adversely impact the Quad, the leaders of India, US, Japan and Australia will hold a virtual meeting on March 3 to underline their collective commitment to the Indo-Pacific and shared development agenda.

India’s abstention on resolutions in UNSC and UNGA deploring Russia’s attack on Ukraine has created a note of dissonance as all other three countries have strongly denounced Moscow’s invasion of Quad and imposed sanctions.   India has refused to join the Western chorus and has even spoken about Russia’s legitimate security concerns in the wake of the eastward expansion of Ukraine.

The Quad leaders’ meeting, convened at a short notice to discuss the evolving situation in the aftermath of Russia-Ukraine standoff, will seek to dispel impression that the Ukraine crisis has impacted the Quad solidarity.

“The Leaders will have an opportunity to continue their dialogue after the September 2021 Summit in Washington DC. They will exchange views and assessments about important developments in the Indo-Pacific,” said a statement by India’s Ministry of External Affairs. “The Quad Leaders will also review ongoing efforts to implement the Leaders’ initiatives announced as part of the Quad’s contemporary and positive agenda.”



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Manish Chand
Manish Chand
Manish Chand is Founder-CEO and Editor-in-Chief of India Writes Network ( and India and World, a pioneering magazine focused on international affairs. He is CEO/Director of TGII Media Private Limited, an India-based media, publishing, research and consultancy company.