Modi at UNGA: India’s time has come, how long for UN reforms?

In the first-ever digital edition of the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an impassioned and eloquent case for a permanent seat for India in the UN Security Council, a perennial refrain in the Indian leaders’ speeches at the world body over the past decade.

In a voice conveying exasperation at the painfully slow pace of the UN reforms, Mr Modi assured world leaders at the 75th annual UN General Assembly session that India stands for the world’s prosperity and that its people are eagerly waiting for reforms in the UN.

“In the UN, equilibrium and empowerment is essential for the world’s well-being. Reform is the need of the hour,” he said.

The Indian leader stressed that although Indians have confidence in UN, unseen in many other countries, it is also true that Indians have been waiting for the process of reforming UN.

“Today Indians are worried, if it will reach a logical end, by when?” Mr Modi asked in an indignant and exasperated note.

Alluding to India’s exemplary record in providing medicines to over 160 nations around the world during the coronavirus pandemic, Mr Modi told world leaders about the country’s accelerated efforts in finding an effective vaccine.

“Today, I wish to give one more assurance. Our vaccine production and vaccine delivery capability will be useful in helping humanity out of the current pandemic. We are now proceeding towards phase three clinical trials,” the Prime Minister said. He said India will also help other nations in developing cold chains.

“It will act like a force multiplier for the global economy. It is being made sure in India that benefits of all schemes reach every person without any discrimination,” Mr Modi said.



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India Writes Network
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